
Early Days



Acklam Hall Poster


It was after the demise of The Art Attacks that John Haney and I had become bandless, so to say.  I didn't have anything like a creative role in The Art Attacks so when John joined The Monochrome Set and introduced me to them  with the suggestion that we worked together to add my films to the live set I said yes. That was in  late 1978.

This is a poster for the Acklam Hall gig that took place on 22 February 1979.  Notice the early appearance of the Volume, Brilliance, Contrast epithet  - the knobs  being achieved by an inventive use of corn plasters.

As far as I recall this was the first occasion on which I showed films at a Monochrome Set gig, as a support act along with Rema Rema. I showed some of my 16mm films, hence the separate billing,  I don't think at this time I had produced any of the Super 8mm films which would soon became part of the live performances but I may have projected one of my existing 16mm films or some old super8 material over the band while they played; or not!  I can't remember, were you there? Do you care?

I definitely showed 'Strange Meeting' and probably 'Destiny Calling'  the two 16mm films I had completed by this date. Please see my Solo Film Catalogue for details.

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